Friday, January 23, 2009

Sleepless in Dieppe, New Brunswick

You can’t always win playing the Type 1 game. We’re going through a losing streak at the moment.

Those of you with children are familiar with sleepless nights. Most (if not all) parents have gone through this at one point. Parents with children living with Type 1 go through this much more than other parents of non-diabetics.

We choose to wake up once every night to check Adele’s sugar to make sure she doesn’t go low and also to correct highs if her sugar is above 9.0 mmol/L. But every once in a while, we need to get up more than just the once. Last night was such a night. Here are the highlights of last nights game:

10:45 PM = 14.6 (too high, gave 0.55u insulin to try to bring it down)
1:10 AM = 23.7 (way too high, gave 1.0u insulin)
2:30 AM = 19.8 (going down, but still not enough, gave 0.3u insulin)
3:50 AM = 20.5 (going up again, gave another 1.0u insulin)
6:45 AM = 16.3 (still too high, gave 0.6u insulin and changed pump infusion site – catheter that goes in the skin and delivers insulin from her pump)

Now I need to mention that just a few nights ago all this insulin (a total of 3.45 units of insulin with no food) would have caused Adele to never wake up. It would have put her in a coma for sure if not killed her. What is causing this sudden unexplained rise in blood sugar? We don’t know, it’s just part of the game. It could be that she is fighting a cold or flu, but she doesn’t have any symptoms other than feeling crappy because of the high sugars. We sent her to school. Let’s hope our losing streak ends soon! I can’t wait to sleep tonight… I hope we can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

Been there, got the bags under my eyes to prove it. I would like to share something with you that happened on the weekend. Our son, Ben was diagnosed 4 years ago at age 9. At thirteen he is slowly becoming more independant with his care - for example, he does his own insertions now. This weekend he had a friend over for the night. His friend was asking him about diabetes. The question came up about the target ranges for glucose and which is worse, a high or a low glucose. After I explained that actually a low is an immediate danger while a high causes damage that over time becomes a concern, Ben answered this way, which I thought was a perfect analogy - He said having type 1 diabetes was like walking down the middle of a busy street. If you go off course in either direction, bad things happen. Could not have said it better myself.
