Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Corona Quarantine

Week 5 of the Corona virus quarantine.  Over a month of forced minimalism, bare bones living, essential services only and getting back to basics.  In many ways, life right now is more real than it was before.  More about appreciation, less about diversion.  More about connection, less about stuff.  More about survival, less about amusement.  More about real shit, less about bullshit.  Fresh produce has become a very hot commodity when you only get out to the grocery store every second week.  Overly busy schedules have been replaced by carefully organized menus based on available food, long family walks and real life learning at home.  No more picking up and driving children to this and that.  No more live sports to keep us entertained.  We feel lost without all these distractions.  Standing in front of our fears and insecurities with nowhere to run can be terrifying.  Everyone keeps warning us about the mental health crisis that will likely follow this pandemic.  To be honest, this mental health crisis already existed before this pandemic.  Most of us were simply too busy to see it.  To quote Eckhart Tolle “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.”  Will Covid-19 be enough to transform humanity’s collective consciousness beyond busyness, selfishness, greed and exploitation?  We’ll have to wait and see…

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