Friday, June 19, 2020

Summer Solstice

Eckhart Tolle calls it our “pain body”.  Everyone has one.  No exceptions.  Surviving our childhood always means a certain accumulation of stuffed and buried difficult emotions.  Without the maturity to fully understand and express our feelings, our survival mechanism is most often to close, to bottle up, in an attempt to contain and diffuse the uncomfortable emotional energy instead of letting it flow through as it arises.  This negative energy remains inside of us even if we can’t always feel it.  Trapped, it festers over time.  As adults, sometimes even before, we eventually reach a breaking point.  Ultimately, something always gives.  If it doesn’t make us physically sick, it certainly leaves us emotionally unwell.  Feeling buried, immobilized, frozen, we are left with 2 choices.  The only 2 choices.  Either we continue covering our painful wounds or we heal them.  The day before June solstice, the official beginning of summer, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, may your inner existence be as bright, uncovered and serene as a calm summer evening.  Happy summer solstice everyone.  Nature’s yearly gift inviting us to uncover and heal.

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