Adele is now completely recovered from her battle with the H1N1 virus. My wife Michele is still coughing and a bit tired, but back to work. I somehow managed to avoid getting sick. We're hoping that we built up antibodies for the predicted 2nd wave of the Swine flu this fall.
I'm having a few problems with my attitude in regards to the Type 1 game as of late. I'm not sure if it's fatigue from all the work my immune system must be doing to keep me from getting sick or just a normal part of playing a game with no breaks whatsoever, but I'm bitter towards the big D (Type 1 Diabetes). I resent that we're on vacation from work next week, but not from playing the Type 1 game. I resent that some people in our lives just don't get Type 1 and make no effort whatsoever to learn. I resent that Adele can't just go to summer day camp like the other kids her age without us meeting with her caregivers explaining the basics of the Type 1 game then being in contact with them many times throughout the day to try to make Adele's experience as normal as possible. I resent that days at the beach are filled with hourly blood sugar tests, connecting / disconnecting Adele's pump (it can't be worn in the water) and roller coaster sugars because she's getting her insulin in boluses only and no basal when pump is disconnected. I resent that the thought process in my mind that is trying to predict how much insulin she needs at every second of the day and night just can't be turned off. Even after almost 7 years, the Type 1 game still gets to me...
And now, to finish the post on a more positive note, Adele's sugars were very, very good today, they floated between 5.0 and 9.4. Her basal rates are still different than what they were before the H1N1 flu. A few changes throughout the week to her meal carbohydrate - insulin ratios seem to be working good. Her body is cooperating. But with work vacation next week comes a change in the daily routine. I have a feeling I'll be making insulin adjustments again very soon...
1 comment:
Wow Mike, I'm glad that Facebook exists because w/o it, I never would've found your blog. This particular blog was so EXACTLY what Sean and I have felt that we could've written it ourselves. It doesn't make diabetes any easier but it makes us feel less alone knowing that we are not the only ones who have times of resentment, sadness but also hope. Take care and hope all is well with Adele and Michele :0) Nat McKinley
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