Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The way we were before

The way we were before.  Before we started looking at what everyone else was doing.  Before we started following someone else’s agenda.  Before we started blindly being carried by the most popular script.  Before we started trying to be normal.  Before we started ignoring our intuition.  Before we started trying to impress.  Before we started losing ourselves trying to fit into society’s template.  Before our view of the world became tarnished by what we heard and witnessed.  As a straight white male, I feel like the last person to have an accurate opinion on prejudice, injustice and racism.  I can’t begin to understand what it feels like to be treated differently simply because of who I am.  White privilege is my everyday reality.  I can’t change that.  But I can speak up.  I can show my support for equality.  I can be part of the solution instead of the problem.  Discrimination and hate are not innate.  They are learned.  Born innocent, we become what we are taught.  Even if you can’t force others to change and unlearn hateful conceptualizations, you can certainly change your own self.  Choose love.  Every time.  In every situation.  Choose love not in an attempt to change the world.  Choose love to change you.  Because, the thing is that, you are the world.  And once you let your light within shine bright, it will also shine on others.  The revolution that needs to happen is within yourself.  Black Lives Matter.  Indigenous Lives Matter.  Human Beings.  Equals.  The way forward is by going back.  Back to the way we were before.

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